Thanks to the following without whom the data collection and website would not have been possible:
- Alan Tobias
- Debby Taylor ( Aberdeen Hebrew Congregation )
- Michael Tobias OBE ( formerly )
- Rabbi Moshe Rubin ( Giffnock & Newlands Hebrew Congregation )
- Mike Links ( Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society )
- Rabbi Chaim Jacobs ( Lubavitch of Scotland )
- Prof. Alan Shenkin ( Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society )
- Sharon Tobias ( Newton Mearns Hebrew Congregation )
- Carolyn Dover ( Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society )
- Eddie Mandel ( Cathcart Cemetery )
- Jim Cairney ( Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society )
- Martin Langman ( Garnethill Synagogue )
- Sylvia Donne ( Edinburgh Jewish Friendly Burial Society )
- Babeth Naddell ( Glasgow Reform Synagogue )
- Harvey Kaplan ( Scottish Jewish Archive Centre )
- Prof. Gillian Raab ( Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community )
- Dr. Jim MacBrayne ( Photographer )
- Dr Susan Siegel ( Garnethill Synagogue )
- Geraldine Gardner ( Cathcart Cemetery )
- Malcolm Livingstone ( Sponsor )
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