Fields - all searchable including multiple criteria separated with spaces



Text - { From BC } - () From MC () - [ From DC ] and any combination of these 3
Text - { From BC } - () From MC () - [ From DC ] and any combination of these 3
Mother Maiden Name
Text - { From BC } - () From MC () - [ From DC ] and any combination of these 3
Given Name
Given Name1
Text - { From BC } - () From MC () - [ From DC ] and any combination of these 3
Text - From DC
Text - From DC
Date ( dd-mmm-yyyy ) with BC Brackets if Verified
Birth Year
4 Digit Numerical with BC Brackets if Verified
Death Year
4 Digit Numerical with DC Brackets If Verified
Numerical with DC Brackets if Verified
Age Group
Text range from birth to teenagers then in groups of Ten 10-19, 20-29, 30-39 etc
Block, Section, Row & Plot
New Ref
New Lair Reference - Most important one
Date Of Death
Date ( dd-mmm-yyyy ) with DC Brackets if Verified
Combination Of Month & Year
Text in 24 hour format with DC Brackets if Verified
Before Or After Sunset with [ Brackets ] to Denote Before & ] Brackets [ to Denote After Sunset
Spouse Name
Text with No Spouse/Husband/Wife/Unknown-H ( Husband )/Unknown-W ( Wife )/Spouse Not Checked Or Exists
RD Marriage
Registration District Code Where Marriage Was Registered or Unknown-M
RD Marriage Location
Location Where Marriage Was Registered or Unknown-M
Hebrew Name
English Transliteration of Hebrew Name or ( Father = Unknown )
Hebrew Date
Hebrew Date Depending on Time of Death Before or After Sunset
Burial Date
Date ( dd-mmm-yyyy ) When Buried if Known
Either gen-m ( Male ), gen-f ( Female ) or gen-u ( Unknown )
RD Birth
Registration District Code Where Birth Was Registered or Unknown-B
RD Birth Location
Location Where Birth Was Registered or Unknown-B
RD Death
Registration District Code Where Death Was Registered or Unknown-D
RD Death Location
Location Where Death Was Registered or Unknown-D
Combination of Place of Birth, Death and Any Notes
Latitude & Longitude
GPS Co-Ordinates of Lair ( Normally Within a Few Feet )
Date Of Photo
Date ( dd-mmm-yyyy )
Click to Go To The Previous Record
Click To Go To The Next Record
Full Name
Text - Includes "Title"+"Given Name"+"Given Name 1"+"Surname"+"Surname 1"+"Maiden Name" ( Female Only )
Name Hebrew
Text - Full Hebrew Name in Hebrew Alphabet
Light A Candle
Shows A Virtual Memorial Board Where One Can Light A Memorial Candle
This Field Is Used For Administrative Purposes Only
Text - First 4 Characters of Cemetery + Occupied or Reserved or Vacant or Unknown or Unusable
Last Accessed
Date ( dd-mmm-yyyy ) - When Record Was Last Accessed or Edited
QR Code
Future QR Code to scan with Device to Display Photo of Headstone

Brackets are used throughout to signify different sources

Denotes Birth Certificate
Denotes Death Certificate
{ } in Date Of Birth Field
Denotes Registered English Date from Birth Certificate and/or
] [ in Date Of Death Field After Sunset
Denotes Registered Hebrew Date from Death Certificate Calculated As After Sunset
[ ] In Date Of Death Field Before Sunset
Denotes English Date from Death Certificate
] [ In Time Of Death Field After Sunset
Denotes Time Of Death from Death Certificate ( 24 Hour Clock ) to Produce Hebrew Date
[ ] In Time Of Death Field Before Sunset
Denotes Time Of Death from Death Certificate ( 24 Hour Clock ) to Produce Hebrew Date